The day gave us 1.4 to 7 knots variable, all from the south. Seas were rolling. Current? It was confused to say the best. The race committee offered us a 4.9nm buoy race instead of the 10.9 nm oil platform normally scheduled for the final race of the Spring Series. ⅔ of our regular 6-person crew (sans Trophy Wife) were missing and filled in with two guests.
Under these circumstances with a highly favored port tack starting line, we achieved an optimal start. As always I elected to just avoid other fast accelerating boats in order to start exactly at the pin. More than half way up the weather leg we surprisingly found ourselves ahead of more than half of the fleet. Then, maneuvering in the vicinity of the mark and when we needed it the most, the wind 'dropped' to 1.4 knots. I had no option other than over-standing and then gibing on to the starboard tack for the next leg.
It was a significant consolation for us to be able to drop the useless jib in favor of the spinnaker, which we were able to carry for the final three legs! We finished, once again, in the middle of the fleet.
For me, the high point of the day came earlier, watching 3rd place Chelsea, at home, fail to score against 18th place Norwich. Unlike the sailing, the Premier League football was exciting. And, by the end of the day, I could even feel the home team's pain.
It was a significant consolation for us to be able to drop the useless jib in favor of the spinnaker, which we were able to carry for the final three legs! We finished, once again, in the middle of the fleet.
We had lunch at the club on the deck and watched the race. Not my wind or course. Looked to me that they picked that course to keep us away from the real racers in the Sinbad di Mayo race. My foredeck is in Alabama for a week. Rest of crew lacks skill to get boat out of slip.
ReplyDeleteHope you had fun out there - it looked a little light.
Not my wind either, SJ. But it is the course I designed: I wanted a course that started in the customary direction and ended in a spinnaker run. My problem is it is usually selected by RC's when the wind is whacky.
DeleteAfter the race Trophy Wife asked me tonight if I had fun out there. Instead of answering her, I took a multi-hour nap. Unfortunately she remembered her question after I awoke. I told her I'm still thinking about that but I have to get on line. Then I find you pestering me with the same nagging question.
It was far too light to have fun. Hope our performance did not spoil your appetite!
According to National Weather Service:
ReplyDelete"Gusty westerly winds will develop later today and last through Tuesday night across portion of Southwest California. The strongest winds will occur through and below passes of the Santa Ynez Mountains and in the foothill locations of the Antelope Valley. The winds could be stronger and more widespread on Tuesday. Winds are expected to diminish on Tuesday night.
"Northwest Gale Warning Winds will develop on Monday evening and continue across the coastal waters through early Wednesday morning. Due to the strength and duration of the gale force winds there will be very steep and hazardous seas through early Saturday."