Tomorrow at 0600hrs PDT, 30 international yachts will begin the 2010 Sevenstar Race Round Britain and Ireland (RBIR). This 1802 nautical mile clockwise circumnavigation will take a little more than seven days, depending on the weather.
There is also a simulated race available on line at Virtual Regatta. Keyboard skippers will have to contend with real time winds and currents.
I will be tracking Boats of Interest on a couple of sites, this included.
Today, I will warm up by racing in my real (wet) local waters!
The start went well for Open Container.
So well, in fact that four hours into the race, she had attained perfection. (See the large blue boat skimming the shore of East Sussex.)
At this point it was time to leave for fooking w-o-r-k.
I had to turn the helm over to Otto. I gave him one simple instruction:
He didn't get it.
The rest is history.....
Here is that history:
But that is not the case.
He's just a sailor who is convinced the weather prediction will pan out. A strong westerly is expected within 3 hours.
He has taken an early starboard tack to set up a long port tack to fetch the Shetland Islands. (See the green dot on the lower lefthand corner of this shot.)
He's paid a lot in positions to do this, but location is ultimately more important that ranking.
Personally, I would not have taken this approach. But I would never bet against OKDiver1!
Only time will tell!
I'm in. (Virtually!)
ReplyDeleteMaybe yes, maybe no. I'm trying to decide whether I'll miss this race more than my sleep!
ReplyDeleteThanks, to Belladonna in an earlier thread, we have an update on the SI's for the real race:
ReplyDeleteAt today's Skipper's Briefing for the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race, the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) announced a dramatic change to the race.
Due to a severe weather forecast for the west coast of Ireland for Thursday 26th August, the RORC have decided to reverse the course so that the fleet will race anti-clockwise around Britain and Ireland. The start remains unchanged from the Royal Yacht Squadron line to the east at 14.00. This should give the fleet a fast running start towards the forts in the Solent.
Andrew McIrvine, Commodore of the Royal Ocean Racing Club explains why the club took the decision:
"The reason for changing the course is consideration for all the competitors. We have been monitoring the weather models for the last few days and they are all in agreement that a deep depression will be arriving to the west of Ireland at the same time as most of the fleet will be there. The RORC weather advisor Mike Broughton, believes that this will bring wind speeds of at least 40 knots, possibly as much as 50 knots on the nose. Worse than that, as the wind direction changes over 180° as the low passes through the sea state becomes very confused. Although the boats are very well prepared, these conditions could cause damage and retirements and the west coast of Ireland has very few places offering shelter. By going east about, the boats will avoid the worst of the depression and the confused sea state and will have far more shelter opportunities as there will be several ports that the boats can go into should they decide to do so."
It will be interesting to see if the Virtual Race alters its SI's in a similar fashion. I would feel there would be no need to since virtual yachts are more seaworthy than real yachts. Secondly, Virtual racers habitually disrespect authority and will complain endlessly about any source of confusion emanating from the Virtual Regatta's RC.
For one thing, VR's programmers are a lot less flexible than 30 real yachts' skippers.
ReplyDeleteBe carefull, Californians, the race start in half an hour and we are going to the west to make the tour counterclockwise !!!
ReplyDelete@ Paula. Maybe you could send an e-mail to Doc if you think this can wake him up. I don't have his address.
ReplyDeleteI've sent Doc a 'wake up' call but think he will be at the start line anyway. Last time we were racing the RBIR race I thought I had him a couple of times during his night time but then he would just pop up, turn his boat and dash my hopes!
ReplyDeleteNo need, Belladonna. Paula knows I'm awake! Of course my boat may not be the better for it! But thx for your concern!
ReplyDeleteYeah, Paula. I remember that race like it was yesterday's. As I recall your excuse was that you had a torn jib and no repair kit?
You still kept me very much on my toes. I don't actually recall which of us won; the head-to-head competition was the big deal!
It wasn't me on the podium Doc but I had great fun. Despite the torn jib I very nearly did it!
ReplyDeleteSince these boats and rigs are indestructible, I am sure you'll be on the podium this time, Paula. That's based on how close it was last time. And based upon my track record, I'll end up on the rocks again!
ReplyDeleteJust been there, on the rocks I mean, and I had to go back (again):(
ReplyDeleteOpen Container III is in 1st Place. Screen shot at 11! Turning it over to Otto, and it's all down from here on!
ReplyDeleteIt's a pity, cause you were well classified at that moment. Well, I mean b4 me !!
ReplyDeleteOh noooooo... Doc, Otto has gone on a solo run!
ReplyDeleteYeah, Otto somehow don't get the concept of covering! That's the only instruction I left with him. (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!)
ReplyDeleteCan't log in - not for 24 minutes!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm betting on OKDiver. He's got the right answer. I am just in the wrong position to follow him!
ReplyDeleteWell, I am going to lose big time on this westerly. I'm in damage control mode right now.
ReplyDeleteEven as he is still 100's of boats behind you, OKDiver1 has clearly beaten you here.
ReplyDeleteAs I can see from other posts from Doc , he seems very busy w/his real sailing. I didn't understand his manoeuvre around the last bouey. Can you explain, Doc ?
ReplyDeleteThis forum is very quiet for the moment. Paula, are you also so busy ? After having lost almost 10,000 places the night before last (but slept like a baby), I regained more than 5,000 and re-passed you !!!
So impressive was OKDiver1's inside track tactic, I decided to emulate it, Belladonna. Even though it was counter-intuitive because of the poor wind around this 4th Mark. I'm taking it in the shorts now. I'll post another chart soon. It's been a topsy-turvy race.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to the new chart! Always tough to figure out who to follow!
ReplyDeleteWish you were still following me!
ReplyDeleteHi Bella, I was looking for you behind me but couldn't see you anywhere. I was going to call the emergency services but then suddenly caught sight of you, MILES in the distance in FRONT of me!?!?!?! How did you do that? So yes, I've been very busy trying to catch you up. This race is like playing leap frog!
ReplyDeleteDoc, now that I'm gaining places again, can you reinstate me to support the bottom of your chart?
No going back
No Going Back is back on the chart! Under new policies just adopted by the Leader Board, the cut-off will always be behind NGB's stern, even if some boats have to get eliminated!
ReplyDeleteNGB may be back out of the chart if she doesn't react quickly. I did send her an advise twice but she might be dining and she likes Laurent P.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Paula !!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Bella.
ReplyDeleteI had decided to 'go for the gap'. Unfortunately the gap arrived just as I was leaving work this evening and I had a 3 hour drive ahead of me as going to the beach for the weekend. So I dropped anchor. When I logged on again the currents had caught NGB and dragged me on the rocks.
So I took some advice from Euroniekk, a deep breath and went for the gap! If you look at it in Google Earth the gap is even tighter.
I was never going to be anywhere near the top of the chart and puts me up there with you guys in a sense of personal achievement !
No going back
Have a good time at the beach Paula, and don't you go near a keyboard! I'll be on the water most of Saturday, if things work out, so the chart will not be updated until 24 hours from now. (By then, I'll be lucky if I'm not on the (virtual) rocks!
ReplyDeleteChart is updated: the effects of my being on the real water for four hours today is readily apparent on the virtual water.
ReplyDeleteDeep Fried Turkey is aground!
ReplyDeleteI picked up 7 miles on him, at least, during his crash. But he's back to surfing now!
ReplyDeleteI finally made it and finished 2391th. Not too bad taking into account the first night, when I went asleep on the beach and woke-up 11000 and something...........
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Doc and all the friends who already are in.
Congratulations to all who have commented in these pages for their fine and spirited competition. I will update and simplify the chart tonight!